Part 2 | Topic | Orthopedics, Osteopathics and Occlusion 矫形、骨整形与咬合的关系 |
Lecturer | Dr. med. Ingolf Saeckler, DOM | |
Time | 12-13,January,2016 | |
Participants | Dentists and technicians(只含理论课部分) |
张璐璐 18611128452/15120039396/010-88612701
Dr.med. Ingolf Saeckler, D.O.M.
| 专业:矫形外科 整骨疗法医学 针灸 脊椎按摩疗法 物理疗法 运动医学 1982-1988 在科隆大学(1388年建立)学习人类医学 1985年和1986年在纽约的医院进行关节病的研究访问 1991-1995德国亚坤大学附属医院整形外科学 1993 “脊椎按摩疗法”德国董事会成员 1995整形外科手术和物理治疗董事会成员 1996年至今拥有整形外科诊所 2013在VieSID担任矫形术和整骨疗法讲师 2014在维也纳医科大学担任研究生修复课程讲师 |
Many patients sufferfrom chronic pains in their movement apparatus, from headache, neck pain,muscle tenseness, discomfort between the shoulder blades, as well as pains inthe lower back, hips or knee joints are common. Those pains do not have theirorigin always in the affected zone but can be caused as well by a functionalproblem. Further more such functional disorders can be found regardingdizziness, Tinitus, noises in the ears or chronic hoarseness and trouble inswallowing.
Causes can be ofmultifarious nature: Apart of the classical orthopaedic problems with themovement apparatus like for example length differences of the legs, feet orlegs out of position, malfunction in the joints of sacrum – iliolumbar ligament(=sacroiliac joint, ISG), malposture of the spinal column the cause might be aswell a malfunction of the jaw joints or the masticatory organ. Such amalfunction can arise through dysgnathia, malocclusion, occlusal interferences,predisposition like false growth of the jaw, through diseases like caries andperiodontitis or after dental or orthodontic treatments.
Patients with paincaused by malfunction of the jaw joints often go through a long period ofsuffering before the corresponding diagnosis is made and a success promisingtreatment is initiated. Treatment of such pain is indicated only inter- ormultidisciplinary. It is carried out by various specialized medicaldisciplines. Besides the orthopaedist and dentist in particular thephysiotherapist and osteopath are of great importance. According to the casethere is useful as well an additional treatment by a psychotherapist.
Key aspects insuccessful interdisciplinary therapy between dentistry and human medicine
in patients with aTMJ disorder.
Participants willlearn:参与者将会学习:
•Which effects the TMJ can have on the whole bodyunder orthopedic and osteopathic aspects 在矫形和整骨方面TMJ对于机体的影响
• What the clinicalpictures are in a TMJ disorder in human medicine颞下颌关节问题乱的临床影像学
• Technicalexamination of posture and gait姿势和步态的技术性检查
• Orthopedic therapyin patients with a TMJ对于患者的颞下颌关节的骨科治疗
• Simultaneoustherapy protocols 多途径治疗方案
• Case reports ofcombined orthodontic and medical therapy正畸和大医学联合治疗的病例报告
• Interdisciplinarywork between orthodontists, dentists and orthopedics正畸医生,牙科医生和骨科医生跨学科治疗工作
• Key points, effectsand efficiency关键点,效果和效率
• Results结果
• Introduction intoOrthopedics and Osteopathics简介骨矫形外科和整骨外科
• History ofOsteopathics整骨的历史
• Different parts ofosteopathic medicine整骨医学的不同部分
• Differenttechniques in osteopathic medicine整骨医学的不同技术部分
Live demonstration of an examination with atest person对测试者的现场检查演示
Examination of a patient with TMJ disorder andlive treatment with osteopathic techniques
Formetric system DIERS examination of thespine利用Formetric 系统 DIERS对脊柱的检查
• PedobarographyDIERS